I have had the gift of experiencing Glyndon’s Fourth of July Parade for many years, and have had many takeaways that have left an impression on me. One could reflect on so many of the great things that took place on that special day to which to remark. From the many volunteers that make that day happen year in and year out, to the kindness of the O’Meara family that graciously shares their property, to the generations of participants who dress up and decorate their bikes, wagons, and tractors, to the great parade itself that has the cool and unique distinction of having more people participating in it than actually watching it, to the reverence that the organizers give to honoring our country and the people who serve. It is a very special small town parade that we at Santoni’s feel privileged to which to participate.

But the one thing that came to mind as I watched the several hundred people reconvene back at the O’Meara’s family property at the parades conclusion, and share in the lemonade, hot dogs, and cookies, was something unique to this event. As the provider of the food, I noticed that we had only brought one trash can, something that we will certainly correct for next year. The interesting and noteworthy thing that I couldn’t stop thinking about was that after the three hundred or so people had left, there was not one bit of trash anywhere to be found. As always, we were prepared to clean the area up afterwards, but there was nothing to be done. In short, the respect that the community members who attended showed for their town and the O’Meara property was indicative of the values that the nice folks who have been putting on this event for years have tried to reflect in the fabric of their small town of Glyndon. They did it without fanfare, no one had to ask them to pick up after themselves, they just did it. Although it was a simple thing, and a small observation on my part, it stuck in my mind as a reminder of what’s right in our world, and for sure, in our little community at the Glyndon Parade.

Lou Santoni
President | Santoni’s Marketplace & Catering

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